Hey! My name is Manishka Gupta.
I'm MCA student at NIT, BHOPAL. I am a passionate developer with experience in front-end web development. Always ready to learn and grow as an individual. Feel free to contact me for any project or collaboration.
Experience And Skills
            Web Development Intern:

            CodSoft (September 2023- October 2023)

            Worked as an intern at ABC Company, 
            where I gained hands-on experience in 
            web development.
            Contributed to the development of a 
            portfolio and calculator website showcasing 
            my skills and personal projects.
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology
Master in Computer Application , (2023-2026)
I am studying Data Structure, Web Development, Operating System and other core subjects.
I have a good control over program solving in languages like C , C++, Java.
I will be studying Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning within my course curriculum
I have scored rank 308 in the qualifying NIMCET examination
Banaras Hindu University
Bachelor's in Computer Science, (2020-2023)
I have studied Data Structure, Computer Architecture, Operating System , Database Management System during my course curriculum.
I have scored rank 8.94 CGPA in my course.

Hunting For Exoplanets using Machine Learning

This project aims to explore the use of the K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) algorithm in detecting exoplanets. Exoplanet hunting is a challenging task that requires the analysis of large amounts of astronomical data, which can be time consuming and prone to human error. Machine learning algorithms, such as KNN, offer a promising approach to automate this process and identify exoplanets more efficiently and accurately.

Astronomy Website:ECLIPSE

A landing page for an astronomy website is a critical component designed to captivate visitors and provide a glimpse of the website's offerings. Here's a brief description of what this landing page for an astronomy website entail: About Us | Celestial events | Astronomical Artistry | Cosmical Offerings | Contact Us

Calculator: MathMatic

Mathmatic is a user-friendly online calculator website designed to assist users in performing a wide range of mathematical calculations. Leveraging the power of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Mathmatic offers an intuitive and responsive platform for mathematical tasks.